
  • demo

    See this demo before you start coding for your homework.

  • specification

    • This demo shows how to read and write a file, and how to use stl.
    • denselmult.cpp: Load a dense matrix A from a file. Calculate C=A*A. Output C to a file
    • ArgumentManager.h is a command line parser. I strongly recommend all students use it in your homework
  • Homework summary

    • According to syllabus, there will be 5 homework and 1 final regrade in this spring session. Normally, the difficulty of homework is incremantal. But none of them are related.
    • When the due date was decided and posted to this website, you will have at least one week to do it. It’s your obligation to refresh this website frequently to keep on track of the requirements of the homework. Based on the feedback of the students, the requirements may have minor change after the first release, you should always download the new requirements when you encounter some typos or errors in the requirements
  • Homework requirements and deadline

  • [hw1]: deadline: January 27th, 2020 at 10:00 AM. Created by TA Kunpeng

  • [hw2]: deadline: February 10th, 2020 at 10:00 AM. Created by TA Kunpeng

  • [hw3]: deadline: Marth 2nd, 2020 at 10:00 AM. Created By TA Kunpeng

  • [hw4]: deadline: March 17th, 2020 at 11:59 PM. Created By TA Kyle

  • [hw5]: deadline: April 13th, 2020 at 10:00 AM. Created By TA Kunpeng

  • [final resubmit]: deadline: April 30th, 2020 at 10:10AM.

  • FAQ:

  • 1. Will we have only a regrade on one of the homework?

  • 1. No, all 5 of your homework will be regraded, but only one grade will be updated to your BB, the one which helps you improve your grade most.

  • 2. How does the final resubmission work? 

  • 2. You modify your solutions of your previous homework, upload the new solutions to the correspond folders, e.g., homework 1 still upload to the hw1 folder. The rest of the work will be ours.

  • 3. How many regrading do we have for the final regrading?

  • 3. Only once, it’s final, you don’t have any more regrading after this time.

  • [ga1]: deadline: February 5th, 2020 at 11:59 PM. Created by TA Salah.

  • [ga2]: deadline: February 19th, 2020 at 11:59 PM. Created by TA Salah.

  • [ga3]: deadline: March 6th, 2020. You must show your solution to any TAs for grading before deadline.

  • [ga4]: deadline: April 16th, 2020. Created by TA Salah.
