
WeekSlides & Book PagesReinforce ExerciseCode Forces ExerciseReferencesFind the Bugs
1Basic C++Recursion Chapter 1Page 8PointerFibonacci Number Calculate Nth TermWord Expression PangramWhat is CP? Math Essentials Cheat SheetFTB1 FTB2
2ArrayArrayTwo Arrays And SwapsLinked ListFTB3
Linked ListPrint LLMost Unstable ArrayFTB4
Chapter 3: 3.1,3.2, 3.3Page 77Insert at beg Insert at end Insert at indexRemove DuplicatesLinked vs Array
3StackChapter 3: 3.6Page 103Stack as Linked List and ArrayPushLovely Palindromes Regular Bracket SequenceStack Implementation Stack STLFTB5 FTB6
Wednesday September 9DROP DEADLINEPop
4Queue + efficiency Chapter 3: 3.7Page 112Queue EnqueueDequeueQueue at the School QueueQueue Implementation Queue STLFTB7 FTB8
5Sorting + efficiency Chapter 2Page 51Chapter 7: 7.2,7.3Page 291Bubble sort Binary search Linear Search Merge Sort Quicksort Insertion sort Bucket sortSort the Array CardsTeams FormingSorting Algorithms Big-O Cheat SheetFTB9 FTB10
6Programming Contest +Valid Parentheses
ReviewImplement Stack using QueuesImplement Queue using Stacks Intersection of Two Arrays II
Intersection of Two Linked Lists Middle of the Linked List
7Priority Queues HeapsChapter 6:Page 246Priority Queue using QueueHeap Sort using priority queueHeap Operations Queue on Bus StopBinary Heap Heap SortFTB11
8Hashing, Shell-Bucket- RadixChapter 5:Page 193Chapter 7.11Page 331Linear Quadratic Double ChainSTLRegistration system WinnerEquivalent Strings Implement Shell SortHashing Intro Bucket Sort Radix SortFTB15 FTB20
9TreesChapter 4:Page 121Insert a node Contains a value Find Min and Max Remove a node Get level of node Get height of nodePartyVisualgoTree TraversalsFTB13 FTB14
10Programming Contest + ReviewBinary Tree Inorder Traversal Symmetric TreeInvert Binary Tree Path SumDesign Circular Queue
11BST ImplementationChapter 5:Page 193Basic ADTs Add a node Find a value Delete a nodeBST height Valid BSTBST ImplementationFTB16
12AVL Trees, B-Tree Chapter 4:Page 144Chapter 4:Page 168Add a node and balance AVL TreeB-Tree problem setChristmas SpruceNew Year Transportation Self Balancing TreeVisualgoAVL Insertion B-Tree IntroFTB17
13Graphs Chapter 9:Page 413, 419Tracing problems DFS, BFS, Kruskal, PrimTwo ButtonsOstap and GrasshopperGreedy Kruskal’s Prim’sFTB18 FTB19
14Graphs Chapter 9:Page 391, 453Chapter 10:Page 453Tracing problems Dijkstra’s + Huffman Code(optional)PlanetsPaths and TreesDijkstra’s Huffman Code Tracing Dijkstra’sFTB21
15Programming Contest +Design HashMap
ReviewTwo SumSearch in a Binary Search Tree Merge Two Binary Trees
Destination CityKth Largest Element in an Array