Course Info

Project Teams: Project teams are self-selected and consist of three members. An ideal project team includes a varied mix of individuals. At the second class meeting the Team Lead presents the team members and their contact information. This presentation is the also the first activity report.

Client Meetings: Under no circumstances will students meet individually with a client! At least two members of a team will meet with a client. You are encouraged to use electronic media such as Skype or hangouts for your meetings. In the event a physical meeting is required the client is encouraged to visit the UH campus. To reserve Meeting rooms, contact your TA. Meeting minutes and Statement of Work (SOW) should be stored.

Bi-weekly Activity Report: The team project lead provides a biweekly activity report via e-mail, to the client stakeholder (if approved by SURE and Instructor), the SURE project consultant, the TA for the project, and class Lecturer on Tuesday prior to making the presentation. The activity report will summarize the team’s last two week’s achievements and the team’s goals for the coming two weeks. The goal of the report is to keep the stakeholders up to date on activities of the team. The team will use email to turn in its Activity Report. See Appendix A for formatting of the activity report. The activity report will be the main body of the email, not an attachment.

Class Presentations: During the term, each team will present various aspects of their project. Generally, this briefing is on the topic discussed in class. The more entertaining the presentation, the better and demos are encouraged! A different individual will make the presentation each time. One day prior to making the presentation the team will use email to submit its presentation by 23:59, to the SURE project consultant, the client, the TA for the project and The Lecturer. All assignments are Microsoft Word, Project, PowerPoint, or Excel files. All electronically submitted documents must contain the name of your team and Team Lead name, then a description of the document in the subject field. As an example of the subject field for the Business Case, “Team Amazing Team Lead Jane Smith Business Case.” Team member absence will result in points deducted.
